Washing Stations & Dry Processing Industries

The 1st washing station is located in the district(woreda) of Hambala Wamena at the area especially known as Dari Wamena. Dari wamena is 68 kms away from Bule Hora, the Head Town of the district of Bule Hora, previously known as Hageremariam. Bulehora Town is 467 kms away from Addis Ababa right on the Addis-Nairobi International High Way.

The 2nd washing station is found in the district of Birbirsa Kojowa at the sub-locality known as Dambi Burka. Dambi Burka is 69 kms away from Bule Hora town making the total distance 536 kms from the Capital City, Addis Ababa.

The 1st dry processing

The 1st dry processor is found in the district of Hambala Wamena at the sub-locality known as Dari Wamena. Dari Wamena is 66 Kms away from Bule Hora making the total distance of 533 kms from Addis Ababa and this on the Addis Ababa Nairobi via Hawassa International High Way.

The 2nd dry processing

The 2nd dry processing industry is located at Birbirsa Kojowa Woreda found in the district of Dersa Sake. Dersa Sake is 68 Kms away from the town of Bule Hora so that, the distance from Addis Ababa is 535 Kms.

The 3rd dry processing

The 3rd dry processing industry is found in the district of Bule Hora at the town of Gerba. Gerba is at the distance of 450 Kms away from Addis Ababa found on the Addis Ababa Nairobi via Hawassa International Hight Way. Bule Hora is 17 Kms from Gerba.